[Remind-Fans] time zones

Avery Ke avery at u.washington.edu
Tue Jan 6 13:31:24 EST 2004

Hiya fellow fans,

On the good side, I have Remind on both halves of my
computer (Debian Linux and Cygwin). Still working on
compiling for my Sharp Zaurus PDA. 

On the bad side, I have been traveling a lot lately,
spending a few weeks on East Coast, then a few on West
Coast.  I change the timezone on my laptop to the local
timezone, and in consequence, my reminders are totally mixed
up.:) I have consistently been writing them for one timezone
(PST), but I keep forgetting to mentally add three hours to
the appointment.

For example, I have to remember to place a phone call at
7:30 AM when I'm in Seattle, but at 10:30 AM in North

Suppose I go on changing the timezone on my laptop to reflect local time.

Suppose further that I have entered all my reminders in Seattle time:
REM Tuesday AT 7:30 MSG Phone Call

Quick Fix: 
Add PST to all the Reminder script
REM Tuesday AT 7:30 MSG Phone Call %3(PST) 

1) Could I add a line to beginning of reminders file,
set tz 3:00

and then add tz to all my appointments, 
  loosely speaking something like:

REM Tuesday AT 7:30+tz MSG Phone Call
REM Tuesday AT 7:30 MSG Phone Call (%3 + tz EST)

If so, what would be the proper way of doing this?

2) Could I do similar fix with a system variable?

3) is there a more sensible way out of my muddle? 
   I've tried keeping my laptop on one timezone, 
   but it doesn't really work. 

Even so, Remind rocks! Thanks David for all the work
you put into this. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Avery Ke

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