[Remind-Fans] Skipping on Irregular Days

yard-ape at telus.net yard-ape at telus.net
Mon Nov 15 23:15:50 EST 2004

I'm wondering if there's a more natural way to do this:

I've got many different repeating MSGs that I'd like to have SKIPped on arbitrarily specified days.  Example:

On next Monday and only next Monday, I don't want to see this MSG:

	mon wed fri MSG 15:15 review workload

I could do this:

	mon wed fri OMIT SKIP MSG 15:15 review workload
	OMIT nov 22 2004

But that would affect all the OMITed MSGs, which I don't need; also, I may not want that MSG to handle all OMITs by SKIPping.

I haven't thought of a solution that doesn't involve remind's programming constructs---which I'll go ahead and apply, unless some one can tell me I've missed something simple in the manual.


Derek Thomas

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