[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Wyrd 1.1.0

Paul Pelzl pelzlpj at eecs.umich.edu
Thu Sep 15 12:11:26 EDT 2005

Hello Remind fans,

I'm pleased to announce Wyrd 1.1.0, which offers a whole mess of small
feature enhancements.  Of particular note:

   * the 'center_cursor' option lets you scroll the schedule around a
     fixed vertically-centered cursor

   * the 'view_week' and 'view_month' commands will pop up Remind's
     formatted week or month calendar view for the selected week

   * the 'next_reminder' command jumps straight to the next reminder
     in chronological order

You can grab Wyrd from the usual place:

Thanks to those who submitted bug reports and feature requests.  A
snippet of the ChangeLog follows below.



2005-09-15     Released 1.1.0.

               Implemented the 'next_reminder' command, which jumps forward
               to the next reminder in chronological order.

               Made 'search_next' more robust--certain edge cases are now
               handled better.

2005-09-13     Improved the alignment of timestamps in the reminder description

               Fixed a typo in the short string representation for Tuesday.

               Implemented the 'view_week' and 'view_month' commands, which
               view Remind's formatted weekly or monthly calendars for the
               selected date.

               Implemented the 'edit_any' command and associated
               'edit_any_template', which can be used to edit a reminder file
               without selecting any particular reminder.
               The untimed reminders window now accepts focus even when
               there are no untimed reminders.

               Executing the 'edit' command on a blank timeslot now creates a
               new timed reminder.  Hitting 'edit' on a blank untimed reminders
               list creates a new untimed reminder.
               Added support for 'nodisplay' and 'noweight' TAG parameters,
               which can be used to suppress display of reminders or give
               them no weight when determining the "busy level" colorations
               on the month calendar.

               Removed nonsensical DURATION specifiers from default weekly and 
               monthly untimed reminder templates.
               Added the 'center_cursor' option, which can be used to fix the 
               cursor in the center of the timed reminders window while 

2005-09-12     Fixed an assertion failure caused by entering an unprintable
               character in a search string.

2005-06-23     Released 1.0.0.

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