[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Wyrd 1.2.0

Paul Pelzl pelzlpj at eecs.umich.edu
Sun Nov 20 03:44:22 EST 2005

Hello Remind fans,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Wyrd 1.2.0, now available at 
http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~pelzlpj/wyrd/ .

Wyrd 1.2.0 requires the newly-released Remind 03.00.24.  There are a
couple of significant bugfixes: the Wyrd status line "doubling" effect has
been fixed, and search_next/next_reminder ought to work properly once
again.  There are a few tasty new features as well; check the ChangeLog
for details.

Thanks to all who reported bugs or made feature suggestions, and thanks
to David for getting the new Remind out the door.  Enjoy,


Wyrd ChangeLog

2005-11-20     Released 1.2.0.

               Added the 'busy_algorithm' and 'untimed_duration' configuration
               variables, which can be used to set the algorithm for
               determining the "busy" level for each day on the month calendar.
               There are two algorithms to choose from: count number of
               triggered reminders per day, or count number of hours of
               reminders per day.

               The configuration script now checks for acceptable versions
               of OCaml and Remind.

2005-10-30     Corrected the build script to support parallel make once again.

               Replaced the deprecated "tail -1" syntax in the configure

2005-10-15     Fixed an off-by-one error in the resize handler, which could
               cause the Wyrd status line to appear on two different lines.

2005-10-02     Fixed a bug that could cause find_next and next_reminder to

2005-09-30     Added the configuration variable 'remind_command', which can
               be used to specify the Remind executable.

2005-09-18     The current date and time are now highlighted within the month
               calendar and timed reminders window, according to the color
               values set for 'calendar_today' and 'timed_current'.  (The
               selected date is now highlighted in the calendar window
               according to the 'calendar_selection' setting, rather than
               the 'calendar_today' setting.)

2005-09-17     If there are multiple reminders listed in the message window,
               they are now sorted by starting timestamp.

               Wyrd now chooses tempfile names that are unique for each user.

               Added the 'help' command, which generates a list of all

2005-09-21     Released 1.1.1.

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