[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Wyrd 1.4.1

Paul Pelzl pelzlpj at eecs.umich.edu
Sun Jul 16 19:00:38 EDT 2006

Hello remind fans,

I've just posted Wyrd 1.4.1 at the usual place:

This is a bugfix release, intended to correct all the outstanding issues
with 1.4.0.  In particular:

   * The "blank screen" bug, encountered especially under OS X,
     has been fixed.  (Big thanks to several users who were patient
     enough to help me with debugging this.)

   * The remaining coloring problems with a black-on-white terminal have
     been fixed.

   * The configuration file now has a setting to switch between US and
     non-US numeric date conventions (e.g. 6/1 vs. 1/6) when specifying
     quick reminders.

The full ChangeLog follows.

Also, a couple of weeks ago I posted a flash demo (8 minutes) that walks
through some Remind basics and then shows off Wyrd's features.  I'm a
little unhappy with the audio quality, so I might redo this at some
point with a better mic... but I think it's adequate to get the point
across.  If anyone has feedback, I'd be glad to hear it.


Wyrd ChangeLog

2006-07-16     Released 1.4.1.

2006-07-13     Fixed the "blank screen" bug that resulted from I/O buffering
               synchronization issues.

2006-07-05     Fixed an error with registering certain color schemes.

2006-07-03     Corrected typo in the word "July".

2006-07-02     Added the 'quick_date_US' option, allowing users to choose
               between "month first" or "day first" conventions when entering
               quick reminders with numeric dates.

2006-06-26     Released 1.4.0.

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