[Remind-Fans] wxRemind 0.8.2

Daniel A Graham daniel.graham at duke.edu
Sun Feb 11 10:01:53 EST 2007

I've released a new version of wxRemind that's available at <http://www.duke.edu/~dgraham/wxRemind/>. I would greatly appreciate feedback from any of you who are willing to give it a try.

wxRemind is a  graphical front-end to remind.  It is similar to Wyrd but is based on wxPython rather than curses. wxPython apps have many nice features including native appearance for the platform and locale support for languages so that, for example, the abbreviation for December automatically changes from Dec to Dic when you move to Italy. There are screenshots showing both wxRemind and Wyrd in action on the website.  What's new is that wxRemind is now packaged as three, standalone programs which should run unchanged on both Linux and Mac OS X platforms:

        1. wxremind:    the main program - a gui for remind

        2. wxremalert:  a standalone alert/notification utility designed to be 
                        used with remind's RUN command.  At a command prompt,
                        enter wxremalert -h for usage.

        3. wxremdata:   a standalone alternative for 'rem'. At a command 
                        prompt, enter wxremdata -h for usage. Sample output:

            Fri 09 Feb 2007:
                11:40AM -  1:00PM Micro Lunch: Luca Riggotti
                 1:30PM -  3:30PM Joseph Farfel in LSRC D344
                 7:00PM - 10:00PM Dinner with Juli and Bill
            Sun 11 Feb 2007:
                 6:30PM -  8:30PM Shows Sendoff
            Tue 13 Feb 2007:
                10:05AM - 11:20AM Economics 206 in 127 SocPsy
                11:40AM -  1:00PM Faculty Meeting
                 2:50PM -  4:05PM Economics 207 in 124 SocSci
                   Ellen's French meeting

There's no installation other than putting the three files somewhere in your path and making them executable. The first time you run any of them the configuration file, ~/.wxremindrc, will automatically be created in your home directory if it doesn't already exist and populated with defaults appropriate for your platform.

If you decide to give it a try I would greatly your feedback along with the platform you used for the test.  I myself have tested it on Linux Fedora Core 4 with python 2.4.3 and wx and on Mac OS X 10.4 with python 2.5 and wx wx (aka wxPython) is very actively being developed and upgrading to the current release is both easy and strongly recommended. My best guess is that a version >= is needed to have all of the required modules. See the link on my website - binaries (both rpm and dmg) are available and easily installed.

By the way, upgrading from python 2.3 which comes with OS X to python 2.5 is painless and strongly recommended by the mac-python community. Again, see the link on my website - a dmg is available and easily installed.

Many thanks,

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