[Remind-Fans] A better rem2ics

A. Klostermaier remind-fan at klostermaier.de
Wed Feb 14 06:51:42 EST 2007

Bezugnehmend auf Ihr E-Mail/Referring to your e-mail
vom/from 2007-02-11 um/at 19:29 Uhr:

>I've written a better rem2ics
>It converts the output of "remind -s" into correct RFC2445 iCalendar
>format.  By "correct" I mean that it does proper quoting, EOL, and
>line folding, and outputs all of the required RFC2445 properties.
>It detects recurring and repeated events, and collapses them into an
>RDATE list.

Hi Mark,

cool job! Thanks a lot for rem2ics, this really closes the gap between remind and the world of iLife...

I did some testing with the new rem2ics, here are my results:

- I was using your commandline-example and it worked fine. I just had to fix the paths and entered my timezone for Middle Europe: TZ=MEZ-1MESZ

- The script generated the following warning:
    Warning! The environment variable HOSTNAME was not properly set.
    Will use "localhost" in the RFC2445 UID property
  No problem with that...

- Although the script finished its job and produced a valid iCal-file I have literally thousands of error-messages of this kind:
    Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
    /Users/capcom/Scripts/rem/rem2ics line 422, <STDIN> line 9958.
- The result file is readable in iCal and shows proper values. Setting the correct TZ upon execution is important, otherwise the times will be shown wrong.

- Repeatable dates show up properly. This is extremely nice. I have a function for birthdays, that not only shows me the birthday, but also the age of the person. In iCal each entry shows how old the person gets in the regarding year. Nice!!
btw: the birthday-function:
  FSET _yearssince(x) year(trigdate())-x
  FSET _birthday(name,birthyear) "*"+name+" wird   
    "+_yearssince(birthyear)+" Jahre alt. (*"+birthyear+")"
  REM 26 Jan  MSG [_birthday("name",1967)

- UNTIL is not executed. Only the first date is shown in iCal, no repetition is caused by UNTIL-clauses. That would be nice to have!!

- I write down from-until dates usually in the following form:
  REM 24 Mar 2007 AT 10:00 MSG -11:30 Meeting
"-11:30" is simply string that shows as message text (very useful in calender view). In iCal the colon of this string is escaped, so the date shows as:
    -11\:30 Meeting
OK, thats it, thanks a lot again and maybe you can fix the one or other thing... ;-)


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