[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Remind 3.1.1 is available

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Thu Aug 23 08:26:50 EDT 2007

Paul Pelzl wrote:

> Interestingly, this use case came up last year while you were off the
> list.  At the time, we couldn't come up with a terribly good solution
> either. :-)

> http://lists.whatexit.org/mailman/private/remind-fans/2006/000516.html

:-)  I should browse the archives sometime.  I might have released this
solution much earlier.

It's still not a great solution because it's rather fragile.  It
really does start at the start date and step through to the finish date,
counting OMITs.  If you have movable OMITs, that can play havoc with the
results.  If you count over thousands of days, Remind can get a bit slow.

In practice, you'll need to tweak the reminder at the start of each
school term or school year so you don't need to keep multiple-years' worth
of OMITs.

However, see the man page for the "garbage-day" problem.  That is solved
quite nicely with the new function.



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