[Remind-Fans] New Perl module -- Remind::Parser

Paul Hoffman nkuitse at nkuitse.com
Mon Sep 24 08:21:14 EDT 2007

I've just released a new Perl module, Remind::Parser, that parses the
output of `remind -pl' and is suitable for use in writing conversion
tools and other remind postprocessors.

For more information or to download it, see the distribution on CPAN at
<URL:http://search.cpan.org/dist/Remind-Parser/>.  Don't let the version
number (0.01) fool you -- it's ready for prime time.

Also, here's a simple rem2yaml filter:

------------ >8 ------------ >8 ------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Remind::Parser;
use YAML;
my $parser = Remind::Parser->new;
print YAML::Dump( @{ $parser->parse(\*STDIN) } );
------------ >8 ------------ >8 ------------

I'll release a slightly more sophisticated version later.


Paul Hoffman <nkuitse at nkuitse.com>

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