[Remind-Fans] feature suggestion: -D[n] increase delta of all reminders by n.

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Wed Feb 6 14:03:27 EST 2008

bruce wrote:

> I modified remind slightly to support a new feature that is helpful for me.
> The feature is the following command line option: 

>      -D[n]  increase delta of all reminders by n.

Hmm... in principle, very useful.  However, currently Remind's command-line
options are not case-sensitive.  (This is a historical artifact from my MS-DOS

Do we want to introduce case-sensitive options?  If nobody objects
strongly, I will make all current options case-sensitive-lowercase-required
and then we'll have a lot more options, so to speak. :-)



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