[Remind-Fans] Somemore bugfixes to remind-conf-mode.el

Shelagh Manton shelagh.manton at gmail.com
Sat Jun 14 21:58:25 EDT 2008

I've fixed up a couple of bugs in the font-locking mechanism, now the
delta faces (they colour the ++7 type numbers) work properly. (amazing
how much you learn when you cosy up with the reference manuals for a
few hours!) So now I'm happy with the syntax colouring for numbers.

I'm chasing up the xemacs problem, trying to understand how to make it
compatible. I tried putting in the (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) as
maybe it is the :keywords that are like common-lisp. Let me know if that
works, but I really feel on looking at other modules that work with
both emacs and xemacs that there is something much more complex going
on. Anyway I commented it out, but uncomment it to see if it works for

Does putting (add-hook 'remind-conf-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
in your dotemacs work? Or is that just something that everybody who uses
Xemacs does?

 And I hope to reach a state of elisp font-lock mastery so that I can
have the keywords colour up in only the first part of the line before
the MSG keyword and not afterward. But who knows when?

Sorry for not sending just a diff, but I really don't feel confident of
my diff skills.

So attached is remind-conf-mode.el



Jabber: shelagh.manton at gmail.com
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