[Remind-Fans] message for 2 weeks on working days

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz remind at numerixtechnology.de
Thu Sep 18 15:44:19 EDT 2008

From a certain date onwards, I would like a reminder for two weeks, but
just on working days. This recurs every year.

In this example the reminder starts on 1st August:

REM SCANFROM  [trigger(date(year(today()),8,1))] \              
	SATISFY wkdaynum(trigdate()) >  SUN       && \
            wkdaynum(trigdate()) <= FRI       && \
            day(trigdate()) <= 15             && \
IF trigvalid()
	REM [trigger(trigdate())] MSG use direct debits

I need the same logic for various reminders with different dates. Can
the first part be done in a function to save me duplicating the whole


Best Regards,

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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