[Remind-Fans] Alarm clock?

Timothy S. Nelson wayland at wayland.id.au
Sun Apr 19 23:22:37 EDT 2009

 	Hi all.  I'm wondering if you could suggest a solution for me.  I want 
to use remind for a number of timed reminders during the day, including one 
which will go off when I am supposed to wake up.  I've had one set for the last 
couple of days, but it hasn't gone off.  I'm using tkremind, and I left it 
running all night.

 	This morning, after it hadn't gone off, I scheduled an almost identical 
reminder for a few minutes later, and that went off fine.

 	The reminder which isn't going off reads:

REM TAG TKTAG1 18 Apr 2009 *1 AT 7:00 MSG Wake up

 	I noted this line in the manual: "If the trigger date is not the same 
as the  system  date,  the  reminder  is  not queued."  Does that mean that the 
reminders are not getting queued, and so the next day, when I'm supposed to 
wake up, the reminder isn't queued, and therefore doesn't happen?

 	It's also possible that this is due to the sleeping mechanisms on the 
computer used, but I don't think so.

 	Thoughts, anyone?


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayland at wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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