[Remind-Fans] skip reminder on trigdate

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Wed Sep 9 15:14:17 EDT 2009

Justin Alcorn wrote:

> Let's make it more of a challenge: remember, that if trash day is a
> holiday, then trash day gets pushed one day back!

Challenge shmallenge.

Where I live, garbage day is a Friday.  However, if there's a holiday
that week (on any day Monday through Friday), garbage day is moved to
the next Saturday.

On alternate weeks, we have plastic recycling (Blue Box) and paper
recycling (Black Box)

Here's an excerpt from my .reminders file.  Enjoy.



fset _garbhol(x) wkdaynum(x) == 5 && slide(x-5, 5) != x
fset _garbdel() iif(wkdaynum(trigdate()) != 5, " (Delayed)", "")

REM 12 November 1999 *14 AFTER OMITFUNC _garbhol MSG Black Box[_garbdel()]
REM 19 November 1999 *14 AFTER OMITFUNC _garbhol SPECIAL COLOR 0 0 160 Blue Box[_garbdel()]

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