[Remind-Fans] Remind + GrowlNotify

Manu Kaul manu.kaul at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 10:03:54 EDT 2009

Hi All,I just recently came across this wonderful utility and now use it all
the time with geektools to have a UNIX format text calendar on my desktop. I
am now trying to get Remind to work with GrowlNotify 1.2 for Snow Leopard
and it doesn't seem to work. I am following instructions on
http://wiki.43folders.com/index.php/Remind_Helpers an running remind as a
daemon. I then tried setting up a recurring event hoping to see some growl
notifications appear on my Mac but of no avail.

So the command I used :
Macintosh-3:~ manukaul$ nohup remind -z -k'/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -s %s
&' /Users/manukaul/.reminders &

The recurring event in my .reminders file as :
REM Sep 29 2009 AT 16:00 +3 *1 MSG Testing Growl Working?

Was expecting to see growl notifications to appear 3 mins before 1600
repeated every minute. Can you guys let me know what I could be missing?



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- Michelangelo
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