[Remind-Fans] Sliding calendar starting from today ? (continued)

Thierry Guillemin tguillemin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 07:05:57 EDT 2011

Sorry to come back so late about this question and about David F.Skoll's
answer (May 26).

I would like to know if it is possible to have : not a calendar, but a
simple list

- starting from today or starting from any date e.g. 12 September
- extending for any range (today only by default, but for 3 days ? 2 weeks
- sorted by days (-g or |sort ?)
- and keeping the formatted colors prescribed in .reminders for different
types of events (for instance, red for ToDos, blue for birthdays, green for
vacations, etc…), which gives an equivalent of sorting by categories (sort

This could be a different but very acceptable answer (for me anyway)

Thanks in advance


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