[Remind-Fans] Beginner help

hubert depesz lubaczewski depesz at depesz.com
Wed Feb 29 09:05:01 EST 2012

I did just setup some reminders:

REM 1 May                   MSG some text
REM 1                       MSG some text
REM 13 Nov                  MSG some text
REM 12 Oct                  MSG some text
REM 18 Sep                  MSG some text
REM 30 Jan                  MSG some text
REM 30 Jun                  MSG some text
REM 14 Jan                  MSG some text
REM 18 May                  MSG some text
REM 16 Dec                  MSG some text
REM 23 May                  MSG some text
REM 19 Jul                  MSG some text
REM 21 Oct                  MSG some text
REM 22 May                  MSG some text
REM 5 Jan                   MSG some text
REM 4 Mar                   MSG some text
REM Monday AT 17:30         MSG some text
REM Wed AT 16:00 +1140      MSG some text
REM 2013-02-02 +90          MSG some text
REM Sat 1 --9               MSG some text
REM Sat 1 --7 +7            MSG some text
REM 25 Jan +10              MSG some text
REM 25 Apr +10              MSG some text
REM 25 Jul +10              MSG some text
REM 25 Oct +10              MSG some text

Now, questions:
1. last four reminders are about the same thing, that happens every
   3 months. Can it be written in a smarter way?
2. when I run:
   remind .reminders
   to see what's on todays reminders, a process is forked off to
   I found out that if I did remind -f -q ... - there was no process
   left, but the question is: what is the point of this backend process.
   what can it do, in what cases it is useful?
3. I plan to setup running remind -z in background, with some command to
   let me know about when timed events happen plus have a cronjob, that
   runs daily "remind -f -q .reminders" sending me the list for today.
   is it sane? am i missing something? how do you run automatic
4. There is this reminder +1140 - the idea is that it should remind me
   about a thing that happens on wednesday at 4pm, and it should do so
   from 9pm on tuesdays. given the setup in #3 - when will be messages
   sent to me from "remind -z"? at tue/9pm and wed 4pm only? can it be
   made to send the notifications more often (for example, every hour?)

i know that these are very basic questions - i'm just starting to learn
remind, and so far i like it a lot.

Best regards,


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