[Remind-Fans] Beginner help

Reid Thompson Reid.Thompson at ateb.com
Wed Feb 29 10:21:06 EST 2012

On Wed, 2012-02-29 at 15:05 +0100, hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> Hi,

> Now, questions:
> 1. last four reminders are about the same thing, that happens every
>    3 months. Can it be written in a smarter way?
> 2. when I run:
>    remind .reminders
>    to see what's on todays reminders, a process is forked off to
>    background.
>    I found out that if I did remind -f -q ... - there was no process
>    left, but the question is: what is the point of this backend process.
>    what can it do, in what cases it is useful?
> 3. I plan to setup running remind -z in background, with some command to
>    let me know about when timed events happen plus have a cronjob, that
>    runs daily "remind -f -q .reminders" sending me the list for today.
>    is it sane? am i missing something? how do you run automatic
>    reminders?
> 4. There is this reminder +1140 - the idea is that it should remind me
>    about a thing that happens on wednesday at 4pm, and it should do so
>    from 9pm on tuesdays. given the setup in #3 - when will be messages
>    sent to me from "remind -z"? at tue/9pm and wed 4pm only? can it be
>    made to send the notifications more often (for example, every hour?)
> i know that these are very basic questions - i'm just starting to learn
> remind, and so far i like it a lot.
> Best regards,
> depesz

a good starting point is here

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