[Remind-Fans] Countdown message that only includes weekdays

Scott Hatcher scott.v.hatcher at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 11:10:04 EST 2017

Thank you for your efforts.

I did try what you suggested, but I think my original post was confusing.

I don't want a reminder that happens every 45 days.

Instead, what I was looking for was a direct replacement for %x or %b
substitutions that do NOT count holidays or weekends. In other words, a way
to measure working days until a deadline.

So, for instance, if we have a deadline of 2017-01-01, and we call the new
substitution "%B", the reminder would look like:

REM 2017-01-01 +45 MSG Deadline: ABC report due in %B working days

where %B would equal 10 (for e.g.), and %b would equal 13 (because there's
a weekend and one holiday between the current date and the trig date for

Is there a way to calculate the number of OMITS, and then just subtract
them from %b (i.e. 13 - 3) to get %B?

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