[Remind-Fans] Returning to remind, current use recommendations

James Miller gajs-f0el at dea.spamcon.org
Sun Aug 25 15:43:30 EDT 2019

On Sun, 25 Aug 2019, bxf4 at frontier.com wrote:

> I want to go back to remind. When I last used remind, I used it, wyrd, 
> and a separate emacs configuration to edit my remind files. I think 
> there was an emacs remind-conf handling library someone wrote too.I was 
> very happy to see that remind was still being maintained (Thank you very 
> much, Dianne!), but I noticed in the list of helper applications, 
> neither wryd nor the emacs remind-conf library were listed. I assume 
> they are no longer being maintained. Thus my root interest --- how are 
> command-line centric people using remind? I found wyrd very convenient. 
> I'd rather not need to navigate a GUI or even need to always have X 
> Windows started. Thank you for your time and thoughts.Brian

I don't know about the development status of wyrd, but it's in my distro's 
(Void) repositories and I continue using it in conjunction with remind. It 
works fine here, apart from a minor problem I have with wyrd aborting if I 
use a certain type of terminal when I ssh into the system. Actually, tmux 
is in that mixture as well, so perhaps it plays some role in the issue I'm 
seeing. In any case, that hasn't hampered enough that I've taken the time 
to troubleshoot it. So the wyrd/remind combination is still working fine 
in my scenario.


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