[Remind-Fans] Please test! (was Re: Access to the FROM/SCANFROM, UNTIL/THROUGH, and AT/DURATION in a reminder?)

Gary Johnson garyjohn at spocom.com
Tue Dec 31 12:42:28 EST 2019

On 2019-12-29, Dianne Skoll wrote:

> On a personal note, I can't believe I'm still working on Remind in
> (almost) 2020.  I wrote the first version of Remind in 1989; it was
> never released and I wrote it because I'd been exposed to UNIX and
> subsequently exiled to MS-DOS and needed a replacement for calendar.
> The first version of Remind I released to the world was 2.0, released
> on comp.sources.misc (USENET) in 1990.  Here's to 30+ years of fun! :)

And I am so glad you wrote it and continue to support it.  I've been
using it for a very long time but I don't remember just how long.

HP-UX used to have (in the late 80s or early 90s) a similar X-based
calendar program with a well-designed and useful scripting language.
That was when HP-UX was being designed by engineers for engineers.
Subsequent versions simplified, then removed the scripting language
as it was considered too difficult for users to understand.  What
was left was a GUI-only interface that only allowed for the typical
selection of daily, weekly and monthly reminders.  I went looking
for something better and found remind.

So thank you very much for a great tool and congratulations on 30+

Best regards,

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