[Remind-Fans] Changes coming to Remind...

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Wed Jan 15 01:12:55 EST 2020

* Dianne Skoll <dianne at skoll.ca> [2020-01-14 18:22]:
>>> $ echo "REM 12 AT 20:00 DURATION 24:00 MSG test" | ./src/remind -pp -b2 -
>>> {"date":"2020-01-12", "duration":1440, "time":1200, "eventduration":1440,
>>> "d":12, "eventstart":"2020-01-12T20:00", "priority":5000, "body":"test"}
>>> {"date":"2020-01-13", "duration":1200, "time":0, "eventduration":1440, "d":12,
>>> "eventstart":"2020-01-12T20:00", "priority":5000, "body":"test"}
>> Good point, so for python-remind I would condense this again to one icalendar
>> entry using the eventstart as the key (is the assumption that I can merge it
>> always true)?
>Yes, but to do it safely you should invoke remind with the "-l" option.
>Then you can merge events that are covered by the eventstart/eventduration
>and that have the same filename and line number.

That's what python-remind does already :).

>> Would it be possible to have a mode to only output this event once?
>Well, anything's possible. :)  But I probably won't implement that because
>overlapping multi-day events get tricky.

Totally fine with me.

>I think it makes sense to wrap everything in a JSON array or object so
>the whole thing can be read directly into a JSON parser.  I will think
>about modifying the format to support that.  (I might provide
>guarantees about where linebreaks happen so simple-minded parsers can
>still work line-by-line if they don't want to slurp in the entire

That sounds great.

Thanks so much for answering all my questions!

Cheers Jochen
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