[Remind-Fans] How to query the next 24 hours?

Allan Wind allan at lifeintegrity.com
Tue May 25 10:18:11 EDT 2021

On 2021-05-25 08:37:34, Dianne Skoll via Remind-fans wrote:
>On Tue, 25 May 2021 06:11:13 -0400
>Allan Wind <allan_wind at lifeintegrity.com> wrote:
>> I would like to run remind (3.1.16) every day at 20:00 via and
>> have it tell me of me about any reminders that is coming up in the
>> next 24 hours.  Here is what I tried so far:
>Remind is not really designed to show events over a time period that
>includes parts of days.  Your best bet is to show events for today or
>tomorrow, which you can do as follows:
>    remind -t1 ~/.reminders
>The "-t1" option causes Remind to pretend that every REM command in
>your file has a "+1" delta specification.

Query two days and having to manually filter out 50% is not great 
for me.  calendar & when share the same design, while khal does 
allow you to construct the query that I mentioned above.  khal & 
when also has "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow" as shortcuts 
which is quite convenient on the command line.  One of the 
documents showed you to build short cuts via a `remind ...  | 
remind -` pattern, but I could get that to work.  An alias or 
shell function invocation of `date` invocation but still a little 
less elegant.

>> 1. Includes reminders before 16:00 so it seems the time argument
>> is being ignored.
>Correct.  Remind is day-oriented at heart.

What is the time argument used for then?  Just curious.

>> Also what is the "*rep" argument?  It doesn't
>> seem to be documented.
>As per the man page:
>    In addition, you can supply a repeat  parameter,  which  has  the  form
>    *num.  This causes Remind to be run num times, with the date increment-
>    ing on each iteration.  You may have to enclose the parameter in quotes
>    to  avoid  shell expansion.  See the subsection "Repeated Execution" in
>    the section "CALENDAR MODE" for more information.

Sure is.  I missed it as it was 3 pages down (which makes 
perfectly now that you pointed it out), and search for \*rep 
doesn't locate the section.

>I suggest you watch the Introduction to Remind video:

I watched it already but there is as lot to take in.  Good job on 
it, also the man page is really good, even if I missed what I was 
looking for.

As a newbie, one of the things I looked for was how to repeating 
intervals (other than daily, weekly, monthly and yearly).  I was
deep in the weeds before I figured out it was possible:

REM may 21 FROM may 21 2021 SATISFY [!((year(trigdate()) - 2021) % 
3)] MSG ...

It might be a frequently enough use case (every two weeks aka one 
definition of biweekly, or quarterly) to cover or reference in the 

>The "Starting FROM TODAY" part of the algorithm is what confuses most

Thanks for explaining that probably for the 1000th time.

To answer my own question, it's not a problem for the Father's Day 
example as it doesn't have an associated OMIT, so it generate
the reminder when processing that day (today) and no future rules
depend on it.

"Trash Collection" schedule is the killer app usage case or "hello 
world" for remind depending on how you look at it :-).  The PR 
folk(s) at Skoll Software Consulting will have a field day with 


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