[Remind-Fans] how to make my tkremind calendar match my HTML calendar

Ian! D. Allen idallen at idallen.ca
Thu Mar 2 06:05:04 EST 2023

I'm not currently using tkremind.

I build a lot of entries in my reminder file that look like this:

    SET t "Some text"
    SET d "Mon"
    REM [d] MSG %"%" [t]
    REM [d] SPECIAL HTML <a href="...some link...">[t]</a>

This gives me nice output for "rem -g" and nice URL links in my HTML calendar.

The MSG line is ignored by tkremind because it has an empty "calendar" section.
The SPECIAL HTML is ignored by tkremind because it's SPECIAL HTML.

So I get no visible reminders for these types of entries in tkremind.
How do you handle this?

Do I need to wrap all my reminders with IF defined("tkremind") and write
special MSG lines just for tkremind?  Or maybe I set a variable:

    SET tk "%\"%\""
    IF defined("tkremind")
	SET tk ""

    SET t "Some text"
    set d "Thu"
    REM [d] MSG [tk] [t]
    REM [d] SPECIAL HTML <a href="...link...">[t]</a>

I could then do 1,$s/%"%"/[tk]/ and things would mostly work.
(I have a few SET statements with %\"%\" in them that also need fixing.)

I'd love to see some "best practice" examples in the tkremind man page.

| Ian! D. Allen, BA-Psych, MMath-CompSci  idallen at idallen.ca Ottawa CANADA
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