[Remind-Fans] daily MSG at 11am | randomly suppress it -- on 80% of the days?

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Thu Mar 9 08:09:44 EST 2023

On Wed, 08 Mar 2023 19:17:57 -0600
remind-fans--- via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> How might I schedule a MSG daily at 11am, such that it only appears
> say 20% of the days, and have this be random? 

Someone asked for something similar before.  Remind does not have a
random function and I am not keen to add one, as it can break the
Remind algorithm if misused.

Instead, make a script called "maybemsg" using your favorite language
(bash, Python, Perl, whatever) that does the randomization for you.
In Remind, do something like:

   REM AT 11:00 RUN maybemsg 20 This might appear...

Here, the first argument to maybemsg is the percentage of time you want
the message to appear and the remaining arguments are the message.  Writing
maybemsg is left as an exercise for the reader.



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