[Remind-Fans] FROM: Incomplete date specification

l0f4r0 at tuta.io l0f4r0 at tuta.io
Sun Jun 18 18:08:04 EDT 2023

Hello Dianne,

11 juin 2023, 20:05 de remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca:

> On Sun, 11 Jun 2023 20:01:05 +0200 (CEST)
> l0f4r0--- via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:
>> I probably miss something obvious but please can someone explain me
>> the following results?
> Remind cannot handle dates before 1990-01-01.
Okay, clear, thanks.

Actually, I was about to create start dates for my periodic reminders but I've dropped the idea eventually.
I could have bypassed this FROM limitation via a SATISFY clause (in order to avoid the fatal error) but I think it's more complication and probably useless than anything as I can just consider that everything from today is correct, not in the past (even if it would be intellectually satisfying to have correct past calendars).
I would be curious about others' usage but I think it's pretty rare (at least to me) to go in the past (we can't query remind before 01/01/1990 anyway).

NB: I see in the man section "BUGS: Remind has some built-in limits (for example, number of global OMITs.)". Maybe it could be interesting to list those limits?


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