[Remind-Fans] Chinese lunisolar calendar

Dianne Skoll dianne at skoll.ca
Fri Dec 29 10:14:10 EST 2023

On Fri, 29 Dec 2023 09:19:13 +0900
taekoocair--- via Remind-fans <remind-fans at lists.skoll.ca> wrote:

> Is there any reasonable way to encode the Chinese solar terms?

I would say not really in the Remind language itself.  The code Tim
Chase posted might be somewhat accurate (I have not tested it) but I
doubt it conforms to the official specifications.  The Earth's orbit
is elliptical, and I'm sure that messes with the calculations, though
probably not much as the eccentricity of the orbit is pretty low.

I've looked for source code or formulae for computing the solar terms
and so far haven't found any, so I'd say it's unlikely I'd implement
this unless someone contributes.

> I see that remind has support for the Hebrew calendar; however, I am
> not proficient enough with calendrical knowledge to see how this
> might be leveraged if at all.

The Hebrew and Chinese calendars are both luni-solar, but the specific rules
are completely different.



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