[RP-PPPoE] Non-strictly-bugfixes from pppd

наб nabijaczleweli at nabijaczleweli.xyz
Sun Dec 20 12:43:12 EST 2020


I've originally started this just after the first set (my draft is dated
 Sat, 09 May 2020 02:52:24 +0200), but you know how it be.

There are five distinct features I identified in the export:
  * packet printer ‒ not included, but could be done I guess
  * separate pppoe-discovery program ‒
    not included, only required in pppd since they don't ship pppoe;
	output identical
  * anyname ‒ done: no specialcase for eth* and br* interface names
  * host-uniq ‒ done as rp_pppoe_host_uniq;
    "-W" argument has breaking change to match patch behaviour:
	     was raw string and is now hex string,
		 this is probably sub-optimal
  * pppoe-padi-timeout/pppoe-padi-attempts ‒
    done as rp_pppoe_padi_{timeout,attempts} to conform

These patches can be obtained from
and apply on top of rp-pppoe 3.14.

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