[Remind-Fans] (no subject)

Ted Rolle ted at php.net
Wed Jan 7 00:41:05 EST 2004

All I can say is, "Elegant"

Indeed... let's say you have something happening at 11:00am EST.  That's
4:00pm UTC.

REM [trigger('2004-01-06', 16:00, 1)] MSG Meeting at 4:00pm UTC.

See the man page, the "minsfromutc" function, and the "trigger" function.
The trigger function above will automatically take care of cases where
converting from UTC changes the date as well as the time.  For example,
this will trigger at 11:00pm EST on January 6:

REM [trigger('2004-01-07', 4:00, 1)] MSG Meeting at 4:00am UTC.



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2884197169399375105820974944592307  spread all over the world!
8164062862089986280348253421170679 http://pi314.at  PI VOBISCUM!

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