[Remind-Fans] CLI todo list management - devtodo

John Harrold jmh17 at pitt.edu
Fri Apr 1 15:23:51 EST 2005

Sometime in April David J Patrick assaulted the keyboard and produced:

| > (Is this Linux or other (which)?  what distro?)
| yes, ubuntu Hoary Hedgehog, to be specific !

I don't use Ubuntu, but I understand that it can use the standard Debian
repositories. If this is correct, you can install devtodo using apt. That's
how I installed it. 

                            | /"\                         
 john harrold               | \ / ASCII ribbon campaign   
 jmh at member.fsf.org      |  X  against HTML mail       
 the most useful idiot      | / \                         
 What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, 
 and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is brought 
 under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of 
 liberty and democracy?
  gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key B23241CB
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