[Remind-Fans] announcement: Wyrd 0.1.0

Paul Pelzl pelzlpj at eecs.umich.edu
Fri Apr 15 13:48:00 EDT 2005

I am pleased to announce the initial release of Wyrd, a text-based
front-end for Remind.  Wyrd makes no attempt to replace your text editor
for the creation of reminders, but it may make your editing more
efficient.  For example, you can:

   * select a reminder on the calendar view, and your editor will open
     with the cursor on the corresponding REM line

   * select an open timeslot on the calendar, and cause your editor to
     open with a new REM template (time and date information already filled in)

   * search through the calendar for reminders with a MSG matching a
     regular expression

Other features include configurable keybindings, negligible startup
time, and a user interface reminiscent of the Mutt email client.  It is
written in OCaml and requires the ncurses library.  It has been tested
only on GNU/Linux, but I expect no problems compiling on any *nix
system.  The default setup uses Vim as the text editor, but this
can be easily changed via a configuration file (examples for emacs and
nano are provided in comments).

Wyrd REQUIRES the new remind-03.00.23 which David just announced today. 

Source code and the obligatory screenshot are available at
http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~pelzlpj/wyrd/ .

Feedback is welcome!  Enjoy,


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