[Remind-Fans] Remind 3.0.23 is released

bruce sherrod bruce at ironfist.org
Fri Apr 15 14:40:47 EDT 2005

For those of using Gentoo, I've submitted a new gentoo ebuild file
for remind.  So, wait a few days, then "emerge sync; emerge -u remind" 
and you'll have it.

- Bruce

Avery Ke writes:
>David F. Skoll wrote:
>>I hope you don't keel over in shock, but I've released a new version
>>of Remind.  This is the first release since June 2000.  Grab it from
>Thanks David! It's incredible that you not only have created this great
>calendar system, and give tips and advice as needed, but also have
>been working on a new release. Your efforts are much appreciated!
>I originally installed Remind as a debian package, but I'd like to try
>the new release. Before I compile from source, I want to make sure the
>two versions don't give each other indigestion.
>Are these the correct steps? 
>0. Download remind-03.00.23.tar.gz, gunzip, untar, etc.
>1. (as root) remove and purge remind_03.00.22-4_i386.deb
>2. follow instructions in your README file under heading
>   If you do NOT have Tcl/Tk or are NOT running X Windows: 
>   (I never use tkRemind, so I'm ignoring it.)
>Also, if for some reason I want to install the .deb package, is it
>sufficient to remove the remind files: /usr/bin/remind and the folder
>/usr/share/doc/remind, and then proceed as usual with the debian
>Thanks again,
>Remind-fans mailing list
>Remind-fans at whatexit.org

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