[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Wyrd 1.0.0

Paul Pelzl pelzlpj at eecs.umich.edu
Thu Jun 23 23:15:31 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I've just uploaded Wyrd 1.0.0 to the website:

The only major change here is the one that people have been waiting for:
proper handling of overlapping timed reminders.  Enjoy,


Wyrd ChangeLog

2005-06-23     Released 1.0.0.

2005-06-22     Added a screen refresh function.

2005-06-21     Implemented overlapping timed reminders and associated routines 
               for handling multiple reminders in a single timeslot.
               Colorable object 'timed_reminder' has been deprecated in
               favor of 'timed_reminder1' through 'timed_reminder4', so
               that overlapping reminders can be given different colors.

2005-06-20     Corrected the disappearing cursor bug associated with jumping
               between days with differing numbers of untimed reminders.

2005-05-04     Released 0.3.0.

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