[Remind-Fans] [ANN] Wyrd 1.3.0

Paul Pelzl pelzlpj at eecs.umich.edu
Fri Feb 24 23:12:31 EST 2006

I'm pleased to announce Wyrd 1.3.0, available at the usual place:
Not a lot of new features in this release, but I think they're good

   * Cutting, copying, and pasting of reminders.  Very handy for moving
     an appointment to a new timeslot.

   * Type in a date, and navigate straight to that day.

   * The default editor has been changed to $EDITOR.

My thanks to those who suggested new features.  Enjoy!


Wyrd ChangeLog

2006-02-24     Released 1.3.0.

               Set the default editor to $EDITOR.

               Errors are now detected when launching an editor.

               Improved the Remind version detection within the build script.

2006-02-04     Implemented the 'goto' operation, which allows the user to
               manually enter a date and then jump immediately to that day.
               The boolean option 'goto_big_endian' selects whether dates
               are represented using YYYYMMDD or DDMMYYYY format.

2006-02-03     Implemented the 'cut', 'copy', and 'paste' operations, which
               provide a convenient interface to duplicate or reschedule

2006-02-01     The 'edit_any' command now spawns a selection dialog only
               when the user has multiple reminder files.

2005-11-20     Released 1.2.0.

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