[Remind-Fans] Wyrd 1.4.0 Problem

Draco Paladin paladin at techmonkeys.org
Wed Jun 28 15:35:24 EDT 2006

I just installed wyrd 1.4.0 today, and am having the same problems
others are.  I run it, and the cursor goes to the top left of the
screen, and it just hangs there.  If I look in ps xa I can see a remind
process running which should only take a few seconds, but it just sits

I tried removing my .wyrdrc file, but that didn't help.

I'm running on Linux.  

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.  
                            - H.P. Lovecraft
Public Key: http://paladin.techmonkeys.org/pubkey.asc
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