[Remind-Fans] remind & osx & geektool sample

A. Klostermaier remind-fan at klostermaier.de
Wed Jul 19 17:25:05 EDT 2006

Hi folks,

I am using remind together with Geektool since about 2 years now and just switched to a new Intel-MacBook. Geektool allows (among many other things) to pipe any shellcommand-result into a designated area of the desktop-background. If you have all your coming dates always at hand with the swoosh of an exposee-mousemove, you will never use any application again that has to be started up first, no matter how fancy it is.

I have assigned three remind-commands to my desktop-background: the overall calendar view, the school schedule of my daughter and a list of coming events.

Recently I had the idea to create a wallpaper with coloured araes for the desktop, that would structure and highlight the remind-output - the result is truly amazing and makes my geek-friends rub their eyes in disbelief:


Simple idea - cool effect. Who wants Entourage any more, if one can have such a desktop ;-))


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