[Remind-Fans] Negative delta.

san.srcf at clockwatching.net san.srcf at clockwatching.net
Mon Sep 25 17:38:58 EDT 2006


 	So I wanted to do something a bit strange and I don't think that remind can do it, so I thought I would ask here.

 	I want to specify a negative delta.  I have some events come up at work randomly, but there is a schedule beforehand.  When these events happen I have about four days to do some processing, so I want a reminder the day it happens and the next four days I want a message that says "Your event happened yesterday" or "... 2 days ago".

 	I have thought of two things, but they both have problems:

 		1) Trigger four days after the event and delta back to the event.  This will trigger all four days, but %b in the MSG will say the event happens 2 days from now rather than 2 days ago.

 		2) Use something complicated like:

 			REM 26 Sep 2006 *1 UNTIL [trigger(date(2006, 9, 26)+4)] \
 				MSG Your thing happened %b.
 		But in this case the %b will always say "today"

 	Anyone have any other ideas?


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