[Remind-Fans] Remind & Anacron & Non-Root-Owned Files - HAWLP!

Mike Harris mjharris-lists at rcn.com
Tue Dec 12 14:43:19 EST 2006

I've got a bit of a hardcore Unix question that is tangentially related to Remind.

I have been trying to set up the daily e-mailing of Remind output -- in the form of a 'daily' calendar and a two-week calendar -- to me.  The latest incarnation involves 'anacron,' a variation on cron that accounts for when a system is sleeping (something cron doesn't account for).

However, the problem seems to be that when Remind is run by anacron, it is run as root, creating an empty message body.  The message is:

> SECURITY: Won't read non-root-owned file when running as root!
> Error reading file /Users/mharris/.reminders: Can't open file
> Null message body; hope that's ok

If anyone has any thoughts along this line as to what I might be able to do, I'd appreciate it.  I'm not extremely expert in Unix, although I have a passing knowledge.  I do know that anacron does not have the "run as user" column that cron does.

Anyway, if anyone has thoughts, I'd appreciate it.


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