[Remind-Fans] any script to convert ics to rem format?

Justin Alcorn justin at jalcorn.net
Thu Feb 14 13:37:17 EST 2008

rem2ics.pl can handle a directory full of .ics files.  But if a specific 
event is referred to more than once, it will create 2 separate .rem file 
entries.   When you receive a meeting update, you now have 2 separate 
.ics files referring to the same event?  I didn't know that was even 

rem2ics.pl writes out REM statements as it encounters events.  To handle 
the situation you are describing, it would have to build a structure in 
memory, using unique IDs, and then apply changes to existing events.

Not impossible, but not something I need, so probably not something I'll 
spend any time on in the near future.   The code is Open Source, so 
anyone is welcome to modify it and release the changes.

senator galt wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Justin Alcorn <justin at jalcorn.net> wrote:
>> If you apply the meeting updates to your calendar, does it change the
>>  calendar entries?
> yes. meeting updates change the calendar entries.
>>  If it does, then ical2rem would work fine.  It's intended as a static
>>  calendar->remind file converter - it recreates the .remind file rather
>>  than updating it.  It has no concept of applying changes.  That's what
>>  the .ics format should handle.
> If I understand correctly, ical2rem expects one ics file to have all
> the events. That's not true in my case.
> Everytime someone sends me a meeting request or updates to the meeting
> request I get an ics with just that one event.
> Quick background on the environment here: I work for a company that
> uses Microsoft exchange server and most employees use MS Outlook. I'm
> the only one with a linux laptop and mutt email client :) All the
> meeting requests are emails with .ics attachments. And each meeting is
> in its own .ics file. So, I need some script that can update just that
> meeting rather than create the whole calendar events again.
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Justin Alcorn
justin at jalcorn.net

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