[Remind-Fans] remind configuration mode for emacs

Shelagh Manton shelagh.manton at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 00:27:29 EST 2008

I remember people asking for one of these on this list. 

As I had a few days on hand and have always wanted to try my hand at
writing a mode. I wrote one for remind. 

It has only been tested on GNU Emacs
(i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.11.6). But I don't really anticipate
any problems as there are no surprising code. I suppose it might not be
very useful for those who use emacs-nox. But, such as it is. 

There is one skeleton script (rem-skel) for entering a simple REM line
in a configuration file. The keybinding for it is "\C-cr"

Things that could be improved. My regexp expertise is small, so some of
my attempts at highlighting functions are faulty.

Let me know how well it works for you.

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