[Remind-Fans] week numbers

Terry Brown terry_n_brown at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 19:16:55 EDT 2008

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 23:29:05 +0200
Guido Arnold <guido at fsfe.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been looking for an option to show the week numbers in the
> postscript output.

Hmm, I think I just spent 30 minutes answering the wrong question :-)

I was thinking, how do you calculate the week number.  It turned out to
be harder than I though, I ended up with this:

# day of week (Monday = 0) for Jan. 1 for 'this' year
SET jan1dow (wkdaynum(date(year(today()), 1, 1))+6)%7

# days in week 1, the partial week
SET week1 = 7 - jan1dow

# Day of year, Jan 1 = 1
SET doy today() - date(year(today()), 1, 1) + 1

SET wholeWeeks = (doy-week1)/7
SET daysLeft = iif(doy > week1, doy-week1-7*wholeWeeks, 0)

msg Week = [wholeWeeks + sgn(daysLeft) + sgn(week1)]

I think that works although I haven't tested it completely.  This is
using the ISO Monday is the first day of the week rule.  There are 53
weeks in leap years starting on Thursdays, like 2004.

But... how to get that into the PS output?

mon msg Week = [wholeWeeks + sgn(daysLeft) + sgn(week1)]

adds week = N to all the Mondays on the calendar, but that's not so
great when the first week doesn't have a Monday in it.

Anyway, that's what I came up with.

Cheers -Terry

> I couldn't find anything in the man pages of remind and rem2ps or the
> wiki.
> I also checked the archive and found a posting with the same question
> in 2005, but there weren't any responses. And since 2006 wyrd is able
> to show week numbers, but that isn't what I am looking for.
> I am afraid, that it is just too obvious that I don't see it. 
> So, could somebody point me to the right direction? 
> Thanks,
> Guido

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