[Remind-Fans] "too many full OMITs"???

Rainer Clasen bj at zuto.de
Wed Jan 7 04:20:00 EST 2009


for scheduling my private activities I have a recurring entry for "work"
and a bunch of OMIT's for each day I've vacation (BTW: unfortunatly ranges
don't seem to work with OMIT):

  OMIT May 22 2009 MSG vacation
  [...other vacation days...]
  REM mon thu wed tue fri SKIP AT 8:00 DURATION 9:00 CAL work

But when I entered this years schedul I got:

 warp:~$ grep OMIT ~/.reminders | wc -l
 warp:~$ remind -q
 /home/bj/.reminders(199): Too many full OMITs

So I'm in need of an alternative or a fix. 

FYI: It's remind version 03.00.24 (as included in debian etch) I'm using.


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