[Remind-Fans] Forward scanning, how?

David bouncingcats at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 22:09:12 EDT 2009

On Sat, Oct 31, 2009 at 12:38 PM, David F. Skoll <dfs at roaringpenguin.com> wrote:
> David wrote:
>> What I seek is similar to "backward scanning" but I want to go
>> *forward* in time.
>>2) why did my test succeed with -1 but fail with +1 ?
> Because of the Remind algorithm (described in the slides at
> http://www.roaringpenguin.com/files/download/remind-oclug.pdf) this is
> tricky.
> REM SATISFY [day(trigdate()-30) == 17] MSG Woot!

Hi David

Thank you for your reply. Thank you for providing the SATISFY solution.

In appreciation, I have reflected carefully about my misunderstanding
and offer some suggestions for the manpage to make this clearer. I am
using REMIND 03.01.06

I overlooked the trigger algorithm explanation near the very end of
the manpage. But that is not the whole story. I should have used the
-dx and -dt options to see the reason my attempts failed. It is
counter-intuitive that a sign change in an expression would lead to
different behaviour, but proper debugging by me would have revealed

So I suggest the following brief clues be added be added to the
manpage more visibly, after the "INTERPRETATION OF DATE
SPECIFICATIONS" section and before the "BACKWARD SCANNING" section.


Remind starts from the current date (that is, the value of today())
and scans forward, examining each day one at a time until it finds a
date that satisfies the trigger, or can prove that no such dates (on
or later than today()) exist.

Where trigger-dates involve expressions, use of the SATISFY clause may
be required, and the -dx and -dt options may assist debugging.

See the subsection "DETAILS ABOUT TRIGGER COMPUTATION" in the section
"MISCELLANEOUS" for more information.

Also, I suggest that "THE SATISFY CLAUSE" section would improve if you
were to introduce it with a general
statement indicating the nature of situations where it should be used.
It currently lacks that context, and just describes how it works, not
why it is needed.

Also, I suggest that an example similar to my case

  REM SATISFY [day(trigdate()-30) == 17] MSG Woot!

would be a good addition to "THE SATISFY CLAUSE" section because
presently there is no indication that SATISFY can be used without
specifying a trigger (so that every future day is scanned).

I hope these suggestions might be useful to you. Thanks again.


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