[Remind-Fans] rem -t command

David F. Skoll dfs at roaringpenguin.com
Sat May 1 09:36:47 EDT 2010

Jostein Berntsen wrote:

> The "rem -t" command is I understand meant to show all upcoming 
> reminders. But in the output the command shows a banner for the first 
> reminder, if there is a reminder for that day or not, and no banner for 
> the other days. This makes it a bit confusing to see which date an entry 
> belongs to. Is this meant so?

Yes.  All -t does is pretend each reminder has an infinite delta... that
is, it pretends you used "+999999999999" in each reminder.

If you want to see all upcoming reminders in a simple calendar format,
use rem -n



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