[Remind-Fans] [Wyrd] Display on calendar, but not in list of non-expired reminders?

Sara Fauzia sara at archlinux.us
Sun Jan 23 09:17:01 EST 2011

I have the following event in my calendar that I don't want to see when
I hit 'R' in wyrd (i.e. in the list of all non-expired reminders), but I
do want to see on my calendar:

REM 3 Mar 2011 AT 19:35 DURATION 0:55 MSG %"Attend math lecture%" %b

How might I accomplish this? The only tags I know of are "TAG nodisplay"
and "TAG noweight", but both only affect the calendar view, and not the
list of non-expired reminders.

Would be grateful to anyone who has any ideas.


"Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature." ~Michael Faraday

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