[Remind-Fans] Remind and Exchange Web Services.
jack-remind at mudshark.org
jack-remind at mudshark.org
Thu Mar 10 01:29:12 EST 2011
Hello all,
I hacked together a simple script that pulls a data out of Exchange Web
Services, and creates remind entries over a time period.
The attached script stores the current month's worth in a file YYMM (like
1103). I then include this file from my main calender.
This is just one of the pieces of glue that I use to glue my shared home
calendar (distributed version control systems work quite well for sharing
calendars) with my work calendar.
- the EWS perl module doesn't do timezones yet
- EWS autodiscovery should be possible
- a better way to do auth
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use EWS::Client;
use DateTime;
my $ews = EWS::Client->new({
server => 'x.x.x.x', # <- get this from autodetect.xml, when that fails, from webmail properties.
username => 'me',
# use_negotiated_auth => 'True',
# passwd set $ENV{EWS_PASS}
my $entries = $ews->calendar->retrieve({
start => DateTime->now->truncate(to => 'month'),
end => DateTime->now->truncate(to => 'month')->add( months => 1 ),
print "I retrieved ". $entries->count ." items\n";
my $filedate=DateTime->now();
my $filename = sprintf "%02d%02d", $filedate->strftime("%y"), $filedate->month(); # generate a filename like '1103'
open(REM, ">$filename");
while ($entries->has_next) {
my $e = $entries->next;
next if ($e->IsCancelled);
my $start = $e->Start->clone();
# "Dec 23 2011 AT 11:15'
my $begin = sprintf "%s %2d %4d AT %02d:%02d", $start->month_abbr(), $start->day(), $start->year(), $start->hour(), $start->minute();
# DURATION 01:30"
my $duration;
if ($e->IsAllDayEvent) {
$duration = "";
} else {
my $end = $e->End->clone();
my $d = $end->subtract_datetime($start);
$duration = sprintf "DURATION %02d:%02d", $d->hours(), $d->minutes();
my $text;
if ($e->has_Location) {
$text = sprintf "%s (%s)", $e->Subject, $e->Location;
} else {
$text = $e->Subject;
print REM "REM ", $begin, " ", $duration, " MSG %a %2 %\"", $text, "%\"%\n";
Jack (John) Cummings http://mudshark.org/
PGP fingerprint: F18B 13A3 6D06 D48A 598D 42EA 3D53 BDC8 7917 F802
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