[Remind-Fans] Calculate Time Since Calendar Date

Aric Gregson aorchid at mac.com
Wed Jul 27 15:04:12 EDT 2011


I am having difficulty calculating the number of days since an event. What I 
have now works fine for days within the same calendar month, but it starts 
to count over once the next month occurs. I would like it to count all the 
days since the event, not since the beginning of the month. 

Here is what I have:

FSET _da(da, mo, yr)            ORD(365 * (YEAR(TRIGDATE()) - yr) + \
					(MONNUM(TRIGDATE()) - mo) + \
                                        DAY(TRIGDATE()) - da)

REM 27 jul 2011 MSG %"[_da(4, 7, 2011)] day since event%"

This works fine in July, but in August it begins to count again from the 
first time the REM is issued within that month. For example:

REM 3 aug 2011 MSG %"[_da(4, 7, 2011)] day since event%" -> 0 days

REM 17 aug 2011 MSG %"[_da(4, 7, 2011)] day since event%" -> 14 days

Any suggestions on how to correctly write the FSET would be greatly 

Thanks very much, Aric

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