[Remind-Fans] Remind CalDAV adapter release

Jochen Sprickerhof remind at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Tue Jun 11 11:30:18 EDT 2013


I've just pushed the first version of my Remind CalDAV adapter to

I've used the Radicale CalDAV server as a base and added a special
storage adapter to translate between the remind and iCalendar syntax.
What's working:
- Two way sync between CalDAV and remind (tested using the aCal app on
  Android resp. sync into the Android calendar using the CalDAV Sync
- Initial support for a standalone mode to convert from Remind to ics
  (rem2ics.pl replacement).

Please not that this is tied to a Abook adapter at the moment, so you
need to set up a fake file for that adapter as well, if you don't use
Abook. Patches to disentangle this welcome!

Have Fun


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