[Remind-Fans] regular notification of repeating reminders

Hendrik Jaeger remind-fans at henk.geekmail.org
Mon Sep 7 11:26:00 EDT 2015


On Sat, 5 Sep 2015 21:10:47 -0400
Dianne Skoll <dfs at roaringpenguin.com> wrote:

> > rem -z '-kecho %s | mail -s "REMINDERS" henk at example.org'
> In server mode, Remind only queues *timed* reminders.

That explains it.

> If you want to receive an email of advance warning reminders, you
> need to run Remind in normal mode once a day, for example from cron.

I will do that then.

> > 2) How does remind keep track of which reminders have already been
> > triggered?
> In normal mode, it does not.  It processed the file anew each time and
> does not remember state.  In Daemon Mode, it remembers today's
> reminders and issues them at the right time, but all the state is
> held in memory... it's not persistent.
> (Actually, the seldom-user ONCE keyword uses the last access date of
> the file on which it was invoked as a kind of state indicator.)

Makes sense.

> > Even when I stop and restart the command I use, I don't receive
> > another reminder about that birthday reminder.
> You should.  That's odd.

Yeah, seems odd. I’m running Remind on Debian stable.
If I can provide any other information or test something to help figure
out what is wrong, feel free to ask.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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