[Remind-Fans] SPECIAL, trigdate(), and expression pasting

Ian! D. Allen idallen at idallen.ca
Mon Jun 13 02:32:46 EDT 2016

On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 10:36:52AM -0400, Dianne Skoll wrote:
> In the case of a SPECIAL, the token following the SPECIAL is considered
> to be part of the type specification.

That's not what the man page says.  It says types are one word:

    These  keywords denote the type of the reminder.
    [...] A SPECIAL-type reminder is used [...]

That says that the type is just the single keyword "SPECIAL".

I'd prefer that, instead of fixing the man page, you tweak the code to
always make the trigdate() available for SPECIAL.  You have to make it
work anyway for "SPECIAL COLOR"; just make the date available for all
SPECIAL without regard for the following word.  Then the man page would
be correct.

If the code can't be fixed, please fix the man page (several places)
to say that "SPECIAL" by itself is not a complete type and that the
word following SPECIAL is required as part of the type specification
and failure to hard-code the word following will make pasting date
expressions fail without warning, but everything else will work fine.

| Ian! D. Allen, MMath  -  idallen at idallen.ca  -  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
| Home: http://idallen.com/  Contact Improv Dance: http://contactimprov.ca/
| College professor (Free/Libre GNU+Linux) at: http://teaching.idallen.com/
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